- Worth it or Worse off?

"Meet someone special within 6 months and get 6 months free."

This is the first thing that you see when you click into the Match.com web site (the logo above is taken directly from the corporate web site so that you can understand what I am talking about).  Wouldn't’t that make you want to at least try it out if you were single?  What is the harm, after all? 6 months free is such a deal!

My only question is that if you have met someone special within that 6 months period, then why would you want to continue to look on Match.com for someone else for another 6 months?  Even if it is free? This is a common concern with people looking on match.com.  Most people are looking for the nice normal person that they have not yet been lucky enough to meet, so one of the basic rules of online dating is to watch if the person that you think is special keeps their profile active.  It is like if the guy you are dancing with at a club hits on someone else ...  while you are still dancing with him.

Match.com is like one huge bad boyfriend in my opinion. It is not all bad, but for the most part it is extremely hard to find a great guy that will be a significant part of your life through this overrated social/dating networking site.

Below are some pages that I have provided for your questions about online dating and, in particular, Match.com.

Good aspects of Match.com

Complaints about Match.com

Tips for Successful Online Dating